She Speaks.

Here are a diverse set of topics and themes that’s generally covered. The topics span across various subjects of interest & expertise. If you're looking for a specific theme or topic that aligns with your business, project, or event, please feel free to reach out - am totally open to discussing how the content can be customised to meet your unique needs & objectives.

Growth & Marketing 

Building the Marketing Funnel: Strategies for Customer Acquisition > Retention

Digital & Social Marketing Blueprint: The Formula to Growth

Go to Market Playbook: Launching a brand today

Creating Seamless Omnichannel Experiences

Emerging Technologies, simplified

AI Simplified: Understanding AI, Prompt Writing & its value to your business

The Future of Work: Preparing for tomorrow’s workplace through tools & tech

Incorporating Emerging Tech: Strategies for business integration

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency 101: Understanding the Basics

Tech Futures in [Industry]: Predictions & techniques to integrate into business / day to day

Intra & Entrepreneurship

Embracing Startup Thinking & Innovation

Team Innovate: Harnessing startup creativity for problem solving & idea generation in the workplace

No Code Prototyping: Creating a MVP, code free

Working on The Innocats & Solve it Schools within this space.

Available for bookings as Keynote speaker, Workshop Facilitator & MC.

Breaking into China & APAC

Strategies for Capturing the Chinese Market

Think Global, think APAC

Mastering APAC Expansion: Insights and Strategies

The Rising Chinese Middle-Class Opportunity: Navigating Market Dynamics

Travel App Success: Building a Top Travel Platform in China


Dear Teri: Reflections and Advice to My 14-Year-Old Self

Find your Why: Our days, start at the core with Purpose

The Nervous System: Techniques to regulate

The Drive Within: Uncover what motivates us and gets you out of bed, daily